See Through Office Unique and Novel Office interior construction trends - Crystal Design TPL

See Through Office Unique and Novel Office interior construction trends

We live in a fast-growing age, and most people are spending most of their time in those offices. Office space can affect people’s mood and productivity. Therefore, modern office interior construction is an essential thing. Office interior construction company Crystal Design introduces you to the unique style of see-through office design.


What is the see – through office interior construction trend?

Previously, glass was considered as a material used only for making glass doors or windows. This material is very favored in the field of cooking, mainly the walls in the kitchen area and so diners can observe the chefs who are preparing their food. But recently, the trend of see-through office interior design has been proven to be the style of the future. This design style will make the most of the glass material to replace the partitions made of brick ever since.


Office working area with glass walls


Benefits of see-through walls in modern office interior construction.

Office interior design with walls made of glass is a trend that many corporations around the world aim toward for the benefits that it brings.

The spacious of the area.

Traditional design styles with walls will make small room spaces smaller. Vice versa, when you use many walls made of glass, the office space will become seamless and make people feel that the office area is much larger than it is. Glass walls make the smallest offices seem larger, making the open office concept capable of creating the illusion of owning a larger office.


The walls of the office are designed with glass


Reception of natural light.

Based on the results of a study by the Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Research, there is a strong association between sleep quality and employee quality of life for natural light exposure in the workplace. When thick walls with tiny window frames are preventing the sun from shining into every corner of the office. On the contrary, walls made of glass will increase the amount of natural light shining on the office, and make the space as well as the working people more brilliant.


Co-working room designed with glass walls


Increased professionalism for space.

Optically and aesthetically, glass is a sleek and see-through material that proves that your business is modern and progressive. The penetration of this material will make your customers feel that your business is operating with honesty and transparency. When customers walk through your office and see people working behind walls, it will be accompanied by the implication that your company operates upright and that you have nothing to hide.


Simple design workspace with see-through walls


Make your workspace aesthetically pleasing.

Whether you are looking to decorate your office, home, or even a commercial building. Using glass mirrors to the partition will create an atmosphere that brings a subtle feeling to your office. This style will make your office furniture more attractive in the eyes of customers from all industries and market sectors.


Office interior design using glass ceilings


Durable glass walls last with time.

The walls in the traditional office not only create a sense of imprisonment and secrecy for everyone. They are also weathered and wear out faster than walls made of glass. Glasses can look a lot longer than traditional tiles and stones. Glass material can also integrate seamlessly with some other design materials because of its simplicity, from wood, plastic, fabric to metal.


Office interior design applies glass partition to replace the walls


Some unique and modern see-through office designs in 2020.

Below are some innovative and modern office designs using the glass wall trend of 2020.









The see-through office style will express your company culture in the most youthful and modern way. Crystal Design, a professional office interior design company with more than 1200 projects implemented, will be able to assist you to get unique office designs such as the above design style.

If you need an office interior construction package service, please contact Crystal Design via Hotline: 0906317386. With more than 23 years of experience in the company, we can make all the wishes of our customers.

đặng trường minh
Đặng Trường Minh

I'm Dang Truong Minh - Chief Designer at Crystal Design - TPL. With more than 15 years of experience in managing large and small projects, I desire to provide the customers with the optimal, unique and convenient working space.

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